one bottle, half whole milk and half formula, enjoyed calmly while snuggled with mommy
coffee with whole milk, slurped in passing
organic banana, organic raisins, organic oatmeal mixed with organic fruit and flax oil, eaten (and worn) enthusiastically while comfortably seated in highchair
browning remainder of banana, slathered sloppily with peanut butter, scarfed while standing, accompanied by lukewarm remainder of coffee
Oattios (wheat-free Cheerios), cut green beans, organic cheddar cheese, organic avocado, scrambled organic Omega 3-infused eggs, liquid Vitamin C supplement, organic pear yogurt with added organic blueberries, eaten lustily in highchair
Oattios (off of floor), organic cheddar cheese (several sizable hunks shoved into mouth while standing), organic avocado (licked off knife), slightly stale pita bread dipped into last night's leftover hummus (eaten while standing and talking on phone), large spoonful of leftover icing from I's birthday cake (licked contemplatively while reading blogs)
organic grapes, cut into quarters, enjoyed during playdate
one-third of large fancy bakery cupcake, nibbled delicately while engaged in delightful conversation during playdate
cut green beans, organic kale and pear puree with tofu, organic feta cheese, organic sweet potato, organic multigrain with organic fruit, enjoyed with gusto in highchair and followed later by a second snuggly bottle with Mommy in rocking chair
two remaining thirds of large fancy bakery cupcake, shoveled indelicately into mouth while standing, approx. 7 minutes after end of playdate
DINNER, PART 2 (to come):
egg salad sandwich, made from eggs bought, hardboiled, and dyed various colors by M's mother, mixed with mayonnaise and spread on bread. This mixing and spreading will be referred to as "cooking dinner." Will be eaten in front of TV with two glasses of wine, the second of which will be slightly regretted at tomorrow's regular 5:45 am waking.
Is it possible that the same person is responsible for both of these diets?
Hilariously, sadly, all too possible.
Great comparisons here. Awareness is the first step of change. Sounds like you're on your way.
love to you and I.
Happy Birthday to Belly.
You have an absolute gift for comparison. This one is
bittersweet funny. I wonder if Isabel would prefer your diet. :)
Thank you for sharing your amazing family life in such a touching way.
I'd like to tell you it gets better. I'd REALLY like to tell you that. I'll let you know when it does. Right now Stan and I fight over the crusts of Wil's sourdough toast.
Does the fact that you've eaten something off the floor negate the organic benefits?
At some point, you will be able to feed yourself more purposefully, but by then Isabel won't probably eat anything but cheese pizza and macaroni. Sadly, most of your healthy eating will have to come on date night.
Thanks for the laugh!
This is so hilariously, precisely how it is! I actually watch this discrepancy on a daily basis at my house.
But the great part is that there is such love behind the writing. And you really seemed to enjoy the cupcake...that's got to count for a lot!
Yes, Sybil. It is.
My personal favorite is the wine and the egg salad.
oh so sad but true. and funny. how many pots of coffee have i put on and then never even poured a cup.
this morning while my children eat organic blueberries, yogurt, french toast with organic honey, i eat a handful of chocolate chips and the reamins of yesterday's emergen-c. i did take my vitimens tho.
Wow! You are feeding Isabel an amazing diet. Good for her.
Now....did you save a cupcake for me?
I laughed so hard when I read this! This brings back so many memories of how I use to eat and it is sad to say that it only recently had gotten a bit better. On grilled cheese nights, my 11 year old still likes the crusts cut off, so that is what I eat for my main meal...STILL. The cupcake sounds good! Hope Belly had a great Birthday.
So long as both of you eat... something... whether it is off the floor or not.
Sawyer? Give the boy a glass of water, he dumps it on the carpet and tries to lick it up like the dogs do. He'd really rather you skipped the ceremony and just put the water in a bowl, thank you.
Capturing the moments....I was exactly like you...and I will tell you my kids still have a far better diet than their mom--and I'm proud of that.
Now I think of you every time I shove some half-eaten leftover into my mouth from my kids' plates.
Love you and love your writing and love your funny diet differences!
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