Hanging out with these two goofballs...
...one of whom is now officially walking at 11 months, i.e. lurching about wildly like a drunken sailor, ready to tumble at any moment and hit her head on the nearest table leg, toy, kitchen appliance, cat, you name it. (The other one has been officially walking for quite some time now, although I've seen him stumble like a drunken sailor once or twice as well.) It's heaven in some ways--she got her first real pair of shoes yesterday and she's so adorable in them it's almost blinding, like staring at the sun--but MAN it's busy. If she's awake, that's it, she takes 110% percent of my focus at every moment she isn't strapped into something.
Do people really have more than one of these things at a time??
Only crazy people! Two is not twice as hard, it's 6x as hard!
Hard to imagine, isn't it?
Thanks for the pics. Too cute.
She is adorable.
They are adorable together!
See now, this is why I have 2 dogs. 2 untrained, silly ass dogs. Imagine what I have if I had kids?????
Beautiful photos, beautiful family.
Awww, walking! Now is when you adopt your new exercise program, aka parental hypervigilance. There were days when I threatened to dress my toddler in bubblewrap and a bike helmet just so I could go pee once or twice...
SO cute!
The second one should always come with velcro sewed into the seat of their pants. standard issue.
Beautiful family! Thank you for sharing. I can sure see your twinkle in your daughter's eyes.
What a big girl! End of the baby phase...just around the corner, toddler! And words. It's a full-time ride, isn't it?
Love to see the pic of your sweetie. You have a lovely family, Kim.
Kim, they're both adorable! Thanks for the pictures ~ xo t
...take it nice and easy, Baby Cakes. That girl has big plans to get places...I have two words...EXER-SAUCER
I'm liking TT.
I will also say that as happy as I am now, that was a wonderfully magical time of life.
I can't believe I am so behind on blogs, can't believe I hung out with you for almost a whole day without having seen these. So cute!!
Yep, I can vouch for it, she's movin' fast...
I wish I'd gotten to meet TT.
Oh man, once they learn to walk it is wild. But you are probably in amazing shape. Once my son didn't need me to run to his aid at every turn, my ass was instantly flatter. (Sorry for the image.)
These two are ADORABLE!!! As are you.
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