Saturday, March 17, 2007

"You better knock, knock, knock on wood."

Many people in my life know that I have a bit of a 'thing' for knocking on wood. Not a casual 'tap on the table' kind of thing. Not a relaxed 'I'll just knock on my head as a joke' kind of thing. More of an 'I'll leave the person I'm walking with even if they are someone I don't know well and am (or was) trying to impress, cross a busy city street against traffic, step directly through the dog poop infested pachysandra circle and knock on an ailing New York City tree' kind of thing.

So, I'm working on it. I'm a bit superstitious about other things too--I don't walk under ladders, I'm no fool, although I make an exception for fire-escape ladders because they're everywhere and I'd have to leave town--but mostly it's all in the same neighborhood: I don't want to jinx things, I don't want to tempt fate.

Although I haven't actually seen "The Secret" yet (I will ASAP), I have been spending a lot of time lately talking about it and thinking about it, and I have come to believe that there is tremendous power in directly asking the universe for what you want, in positive energy, in faith. After years of working on self-help books, you'd think I'd know this, and I did know it enough to talk about it before--but not enough to feel it. Otherwise, why would I be so afraid to say anything positive without canceling it out with a knock?

I have discovered that all of my superstitious leanings exist to counteract any positive thinking I might do. "I haven't had the flu in three years...knock on wood." "My computer has never crashed...knock on wood." "Isabel is very healthy, thanks...KNOCK ON WOOD." And as silly as it all sounds, this way of thinking is a poison that spreads everywhere. One example: I keep a notebook of Isabel's eating and sleeping schedule each day, and usually once she's down for the night, I'll write in tomorrow's date...but I always pause, wondering, is this a good idea? To just assume that she will be alive tomorrow? And that feeling is not good.

So I am going to stop the madness. I am going to realize that people aren't sitting in their houses, car keys in hand, just waiting for me to exclaim that there's surprisingly little traffic on the road so they can scramble into their cars and hightail it to where I'm driving. It's not the case.

If your thoughts play a large part in determining your destiny, which I believe, then I am going to shake off my fear of positive thoughts. I will think them and I will embrace them. I think--no, I know--it will go well.


holly said...


you go! and i'll come too!

Jerri said...

Great work here. In all ways, Kim.

Forge ahead with those positive thoughts. Dare to be right about good things.

Funny how tough that is. But you can do it.

Anonymous said...

rock on

Monica said...

Oh, Kim, this is a biggie. Just like Holly said, "I'm coming too." Reading this reminds me again, to ask for what I want and to believe it will happen. I love it that you wrote about this.

JR's Thumbprints said...

So knocking on wood has countered all your positive thoughts? I guess you should knock on wood then--every time you have a negative thought.

Suzy said...

Yeh, for me the scary thing was what I've been asking for IS HERE and it's coming full steam ahead.
Couldn't be happier, couldn't be more excited (and a little scared).
Great post KP!
And I won't feel bad if the next time I see you and you want to knock on wood, you can tap my head!

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Love every single thing about this post, KP!

Ask Me Anything said...

well said!

kario said...

You deserve good things, Kim. You don't have to "pay" for them by avoiding ladders or black cats or knocking on wood. I am constantly amazed at our inability to accept our own responsibility in making positive decisions that effect positive change in our lives. You don't have to earn it - you deserve good things because you are. Period.

Deb Shucka said...

Another great story, and a brave reflection on trust and your place in the universe. Awesome!

riversgrace said...

Maybe you could replace 'knock on wood' with "I'm so grateful" or "What a blessing".....seems like it's a way of acknowledging the good grace of whatever you would have to knock on wood about.

What an good.

Jess said...

Such a great post. Just what I needed to read. I just realized that I've always had this thought that if I want something too much it's never going to happen. Alright, time to get over that.

So, yeah, I'm coming too!

Anonymous said...

The knock-wood thing is completely true. Kim once pushed me in front of an oncoming taxi just in an effort to satisfy her superstition. Lucky I'm not superstitious about knocking metal!

jennifer said...

I remember you doing this...all the perfectly you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I have had the clear-intention/positive thought fulfillment thing happen in a big way and it is incredible ... yet it also seems like the most natural thing in the world. Why shouldn't we think big, reach far, and have faith? Some say the only limitations for what we can achieve or enjoy are in our heads. What if? xo t