Thursday, March 29, 2007

Swallowing the Red Pill, Part 1

I think I was a decently healthy pregnant person. I wouldn't call myself vigilant by any stretch: I ate a lot of cupcakes, and after the first trimester I drank a small cup of caffeinated coffee most days and had the occasional sips and eventually glass of wine. I still colored my hair, although I did switch to vegetable dyes. (I started going gray in college, so the choice was basically between hair dye or large doses of antidepressants to cope with my frizzy, 90% gray image in the mirror, so I chose to continue coloring my hair.) But I stayed away from soft cheeses, deli meats, tuna fish, swordfish, sushi (my favorite food), Advil, Pepto Bismal, Aspartame, even peanut butter because of some random, questionable news item I read.

I took my prenatal vitamins, I ate my extra vegetables, and when Belly was born I spent her first days sitting next to her little isolette in the critical care nursery. As her glucose levels struggled to normalize, I tried desperately to breastfeed her around all the tubes hanging from her tiny body and despite pressure from the hospital staff to feed her more and more formula to get those sugar levels in line. But in four and half days she was all better, we figured out our breastfeeding, and we were ready to go.

We gathered together her soft cotton clothes prewashed in Dreft, prepared her super-safe top-of-the-line car seat, had her injected with one of the most dangerous and potent known neurotoxins in existence, and home we went.

To be continued.


kario said...

Frightening that the "mother guilt" begins before you even feel the first movement of your baby in the womb, isn't it? I remember being in Ireland when I was pregnant with my first daughter and all the locals were astonished that I didn't allow myself a nightly glass of Guinness. They kept reminding me how much iron it has in it...

Jerri said...

Hope you're remembering that guilt is a totally useless emotion.

Truly on the edge of my seat waiting for the rest of this story, Kim.

Deb Shucka said...

I'm sitting on the edge of that chair with Jerri. I love your stories and I love reading your love for your daughter.

holly said...

Now. More right now.

Oh, those emotions mixed with the hormones. so totally crazy-making!

And guilt - yep, totally useless emotion.

Michelle O'Neil said...

When you get on board, you really get on board!

Go mama!

Dig, dig, dig.

riversgrace said...

Wow, this is incredible territory. Mine it, bring it forth, bring to light to heal.

One thing I know: there are way too many factors involved in what shapes us, from the beginning, and it's so useful to remember that we are partly responsible for nurturing and protection...and other mysterious elements hold the rest.

Can't wait for the next segment.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Ditto Holly and Michelle! And WTF with going grey in college!? There's no "winning" when it comes to motherhood - give up, give in, surrender. The sooner you do, the longer 'til you need Paxil!

jennifer said...

Wondeful story telling!