Ode to Kitty
He used to be the king,
So it really is a shame.
Now he doesn't rule a thing
And we know just who's to blame.
She's up early in the morning
And sometimes late into the night.
She squawks without a warning.
It simply isn't right.
Life used to be relaxing,
But now his days are long and tough.
Her attention can be taxing
As she tends to play quite rough.
She loves to tug his ears
And smack him on the face.
She plays on his darkest fears
And there is no hiding place.
When he's stretched out in recline
She spreads her arms out wide,
Careens like Frankenstein,
And body-slams his side.
He lurks behind the door
But it is to no avail.
She hurries back for more
And trods upon his tail.
Each night when she finally goes
He accuses and complains.
But despite it all,
I hope he knows
We love him just the same.
Well, maybe not quite as much as we used to.
OK, so now you're an accomplished POET, too? Still looking for something you CAN'T do, Kimmy Pie!
Hmmm.."I'm not a writer, I'm and editor."
Geeus Woman! writing, poetry...
What's next? Painting? Sculpture?
Translating the Dead Sea Scrolls?
(or has that been done)?
For the record- I LOVE HADLEY!
Is writing poetry new to you? Can't believe you didn't think you were a writer.
Lovely, lovely.
Hadley sounds like a dear to put up with all this AND the displacement.
Amazing writing, Kim. Loved this poem. If your cat is anything like mine, he will find a way to restore his throne.
Only a talented writer could evoke sympathy for suck a spoiled cat!
Love this, you are so funny! I remmeber, and I think I told you this story, that before Spencer was born the center of my universe was my dog. I brushed, bathed, babied that damn dog...she was my prize...people warned...when the baby comes, bye bye doggie...I was APPALLED!
Sure enough, baby born...I was like "what dog??" Something happens to us, it's just not right. I was so sad for my dog (and myself) but the baby was crying and I had to get to work!!!
Love your post, love you! Excellent writing.
Hee hee. I can just picture a baby chasing the cat around relentlessly...
I've read this several times. Love it. I had a beloved cat for twelve years. My baby. Kind of a blessing that he passed before the other baby came....that would have been a sad, sad separation.
Love to you!
Yes, the pets do get kicked to the curb when the little ones come don't they? Poor beasts!
P.S. My daughter is IN LOVE with Siamese cats. Her first one was part Siamese, part tabby. They are quite vocal, no? Like little furry dolphins following you around.
Who's ClustrMap has gone hog wild! Wow! What an audience already! Take an A!
Poor Hadley! Watch him, though! I never did know a cat that didn't manage to have his revenge somehow.
My girls torture our cats relentlessly, too. The things our pets have to put up with....
This is great, Kim. Really fun.
My very best to Hadley. Swiper is positively patient with S in ways I cannot properly describe, deny, or accept. Does Swiper not know that S has it in for her? Alas. She seems not to care.
Great work.
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